Number 1 – Marketing Automation
Every so often I am asked by Quora users whether or not there are any marketing disasters that happened during the history of internet marketing. This is obviously a controversial topic of information on the internet not just social media and web 2.0 world. As marketers we always want to hit it home with new ideas and to help people understand what we do better. So many of us are constantly looking back at events that transpired years ago that we had little or nothing to do with.
Today we have Twitter and Facebook as two of the most popular platforms in the world, but how did these sites come to be? I believe that this was a great question to ask when thinking about the greatest marketing disasters of the last two decades. My answer for this question may seem rather obvious and somewhat shocking but I can tell you that nothing is as easy as that. The two platforms combined have over one billion users and this number continues to increase every day. No matter how hard some marketers may try to focus on a new recipe for a successful campaign on the American Market, they will eventually fall flat on their faces.
My first subject for discussion is perhaps the most famous marketing disaster of all time: The internet marketing industry has been forever dominated by a new product, the social network Twitter. I believe that if Facebook was to be taken out of context, there would be a significant shift towards mobile marketing, but this hasn’t happened yet. It is for this reason that I believe that the greatest marketing disasters of the last decade were nothing more than the failures of one man’s vision. People have become addicted to the feel good factor that Twitter gives them, because it acts like an outlet for them to release pent up emotions and to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Once Twitter is taken out of context, this new social platform could literally go kaput.
The next subject I am going to look at in my list of greatest marketing disasters is that of the all-you-can-eat promotion. Of course, everyone knows what I am talking about when I say that the golden standard of Internet marketing has been the all-you-can-eat promotion. Everyone from the CEO’s of big companies to the struggling stay-at-home mum has used this strategy to increase their revenue and to grow their businesses. But these tactics only work when people see the offer; if no one is advertising on Twitter for instance, then it is pretty much wasted energy. The problem with the all-you-can-eat promotion is that it has led to the saturation of search results with millions of links leading to low quality sites. This is bad news for people looking for great deals or products online.
The final subject in my list of greatest marketing disasters is that of the slogan. Slogans have been used everywhere from emails to websites to press releases to sales letters. The problem with the slogans is that they are rarely memorable enough to spark any consumer interest. If the slogans do not have the right hooks – or they are just plain stupid, then no-one is likely to remember the company or the ad.
If you want to avoid the most common mistakes in campaign management, then make sure you implement some type of marketing automation. If you are like me, then you hate working on a campaign without having the luxury of automation. The truth is that automation has made it easier than ever before for marketers to make more money and to grow their businesses. Here are the top 5 biggest reasons why I believe that a program is the number 1 reason why some business fails: